The automatic disarming function works when the following two things occur: a key fob arrives and a door equipped with an IntelliTAG opens. Once the key fob is recognized, the system automatically disarms.
The hands-free automatic disarming feature will not work if the arrival of the user is not properly identified.
We invite you to follow the steps below in order.
1. Check to be sure that the key fob has been properly linked by going to the “Settings” section of the application; here you can check to see if the key fob is listed.
2. Check the list of users to see that the person who owns the badge is actually active: on the person’s profile, the selector on the right should be active.
3. Try to optimize the positioning of the Link Essential by moving it closer to the main entrance door and, of course, by checking to see that at this location, the Link Essential is communicating properly with the WiFi network and with all the other peripheral devices.
4. Lastly, make sure that you enter your home by going through an opening equipped with an IntelliTAG defined as having been installed on an “entrance door.”
N.B.: when you perform tests, be aware that, for the automatic disarming feature to work properly, you have to have left for over two minutes (the key fob must not be visible by the Link Essential for at least two minutes). The automatic disarming feature is inactive during this period of time.