If you want to move your Somfy Home Alarm system or transfer it to another person, you must first uninstall it.
To do this, just follow the steps below:
- Go to the "System" menu in the Somfy Protect application.
- In the list of existing devices, tap the Link and then tap the red "Delete" trashcan.
- After the prompt to confirm the deletion, all the equipment contained in your Somfy Home Alarm system (siren, IntelliTAGs, etc.) will automatically be uninstalled.
You must then reboot your Link by following the procedure below:
- Unplug it and hold down the button on the side until the indicator light turns off.
- Plug it back in while keeping your finger pressed on the button for about 20 seconds.
The Link reboots and is now reset. You can now unplug is and turn it off. (Once unplugged, press the button again until the indicator light turns off.)
To uninstall your Somfy Security Camera, select it in the "System" menu and follow the steps below:
- Go to the "System" button in the Somfy Protect application.
- Tap the camera's red "Delete" trashcan button.
- After the prompt to confirm the deletion, the camera will be completely uninstalled from the application.
Warning: Any subscription to the continuous recording service is automatically terminated when a camera is deleted.
You must then reboot the camera by following the procedure below:
- Using the pin provided with the camera, press the "Reset" button on the back of the camera until you hear a beep.
- The camera reboots and is now reset.
- You can then unplug it.
Finally, still in your application's "System" menu, you can delete the system location by tapping its name. Next, tap the red "Delete" trashcan and confirm your selection.
After completing these steps, you will have completely uninstalled your Somfy equipment.