If you've configured your online storage space, but after an incident or a test no video was saved to your online storage space, check the following:
- Make sure your storage space login is correct: deactivate the settings, then re-enter your login.
- Make sure your camera is connected to the Internet: go to the video screen to watch the image.
- Run a test from the settings screen, and wait a few seconds for the image to be uploaded online
- Make sure you have space available in your online account: try saving a document to your account.
I have two video devices, but there's only one saved video
- Make sure that all your video devices are compatible with the service: any Myfox Security Camera, Somfy Security Camera or other video device that isn't updated (see software version section) will not be compatible with the Video Storage feature.
If your devices don't have the required version of the software, please contact us for assistance. - Make sure all your devices are connected to the Internet. Video devices that aren't connected won't be able to generate videos.
I have two video devices, but only one folder has been created
- If you have more than one video device with the same name, only one folder will be created, and the videos generated by both cameras will upload to the same folder.