Somfy One / One+ lets you protect your privacy thanks to its motorized shutter.
Somfy One / One+ without accessories
To avoid the disconcerting sense that you are being watched, 2 options are available:
- You can close the shutter via the application by pressing on the pictogram “Privacy”on the dashboard.
- You can also set-up the automatic closing of the shutter when you deactivate the motion sensor of your Somfy One / One+. Just go to the “Settings” menu, and then to “Privacy” and then activate or deactivate the Automatic shutter option.
Somfy One / One+ with accessories
- You can close the shutter at the dashboard level by deactivating the alarm.
- If you own accessories connected to your Somfy One / One+, you can configure your Somfy One / One+ so that the shutter closes when you turn off the alarm, for instance when you come home from work. Just go to the “Settings” menu, and then to “Privacy” and then activate or deactivate the Automatic shutter option.